A portrait of Moses Van Campen as Elder of the Presbyterian Church of Angelica was rediscovered March 1, 2013.

"The History of the Presbytery of Steuben: Including that of all the other Presbyteries to which the churches of Steuben and Allegany Counties have belonged, notices of ministers, elders, and missionaries, sketches of the existing churches of Presbytery, and over one hundred illustrations." by Rev. James A. Miller, Ph. D., published 1897, included this portait of Moses Van Campen.

PortraitVanCampenMoses 7pcbPortrait of Moses Van Campen as Elder of the Presbyterian Church of Angelica from "The History of the Presbytery of Steuben: Including that of all the other Presbyteries to which the churches of Steuben and Allegany Counties have belonged, notices of ministers, elders, and missionaries, sketches of the existing churches of Presbytery, and over one hundred illustrations," by Rev. James A. Miller, Ph. D.

On May 6, 1812, Moses Van Campen, Margaret Van Campen, Prudence Johnson, David Chamberlain, Elizabeth Chamberlain, and James Renwick, under the leadership of Rev. John Niles of Bath, NY, organized the Presbyterian Church in Angelica, NY. Moses Van Campen was then elected and ordained ruling Elder. He served in this capacity from 1812 to 1831.

In Honor Home

“His Christianity was pure,
his views of religion sound
and scriptural, and his fidelity
and integrity of character
were like his own well aimed rifle,
true to the mark.”


– Rev. Thomas Aitken

Obituary of Moses Van Campen

"I was nurtured in the school of the rifle and the tomahawk."


- Moses Van Campen

“The notes of war are hushed,
The rage of battle o’er,
The warrior is at rest,
He hears our praise no more.
The soldier nobly fought
For all we dearly love,
He fought to gain a heavenly crown,
And now he reigns above.”


- Rev. Thomas Aitken
Inscription, Moses Van Campen's Headstone